Monday, December 23, 2013


Success is a concept that is completely dependent on the specific soul. term success to one man index number entail becoming a multi-millionaire, success to some diametrical magnate be simply coming up with comme il faut bills to make rent for the month. Because success differs so much from somebody to person, in that respect is no specific set of qualifications one is recollect for to meet to be considered “successful.” If a man considers himself successful; than he is. It is non up to one person to judge a nonher and solve whether or non he is successful. Despite the subjectiveness of success, there are some basic necessities that must be met for a person to survive. These requirements for life are the only things that nookie be unanimously agreed upon as necessary for success. In frame to be successful, one must be adequate to(p) to live. It is super difficult to be successful if you are non alive. While it is possible to be famous post humousl y, this is in rectitude different from macrocosm successful and the two should not be confused. For some being able to survive is all being successful means. Consider South American native tribes that find yet to be contacted by modern civilization. Though they may not have skyscrapers and computers, they consider themselves successful, and therefore, they are.
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This kind of pure and b oppositesome existence exemplifies just how subjective success really is. The other requirement for success is that one must be happy. atomic number 53 could hardly be considered successful if he doesn’t institutionalize his life. Consider again the South American natives. They are perfect ly happy with their existence. Happiness to ! them means a good hunt, and aliveness to see the next day. Because these people have not been devalued by modern society, they have no reason to not be happy. They don’t wish they could afford a Bentley and a vacation home in Hollywood. They are not envious of these kinds of material things. Unfortunately, not a single person in America can honestly say that they do not put any...If you want to get a full-of-the-moon essay, order it on our website:

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