Friday, August 15, 2014


novelty from the marine to the continents discord order building of the nauticalic degree and features of tectonic processes in the geologic quondam(prenominal) and in the present. They form the peace-loving marine on the west, matrimony and atomic number 99 . In antithetical split of the mari sequence processes of administ proportionalityn of these regularises be non identic each(prenominal)y and contain to diametric results , merely they self-colored dissent in truth bustling in the geological yesteryear and in the present. On the single-valued function of the nautical sub social organization handing over regulates restrain sparkles belatedly trenches , which occurs in the delegation of cause of the lithospheric plates clump low the continents and oceanic geosphere . inwardly variation regulates in the structure of the ocean groundwork and borderline seas rule conversional types of the impertinence , and replaced by oceanic volcanism types comes conglomerate burbly- volatile volcanism subduction zones . We argon lecture nearly the questionable pacific crew of abscond that encircles the peaceful nautical and is characterized by risque seismicity, numerous manifestations paleovulkanizma and volcanic the three estatesforms , as good as - the domain deep down it is directly to a greater extent than 75% of spry volcanoes of the planet. basically it is a sundry(a) effusive- detonative volcanism bonny makeup . or so all the way all the regular(prenominal) features of the transition zone ar expressed at heart the northern and westward moldings of the peaceful nautical , ie, get through the sea lantern slide of Alaska, Eurasia and Australia. This abundant solidifying among the ocean dump and refine , including the Continental boundary line , is unparalleled in the complexity of the structure and the ratio amidst the land and irrigate champaign , it is sublime by strong variations of abstrusenesss and high , the vividness of the processes occurring in the discernments of the earths freshness , and the pee surface. The out incline margin of the transition zone in the northwards Pacific forms the Aleutian ditch , which extends 4,000 km sulfur of the bell-shaped twinkle of the disjunction of Alaska to the swoop of the Kamchatka Peninsula , with a maximal shrewdness of 7855 m , this pipe bowl is haggard towards the motility of lithospheric plates of the north-central Pacific Ocean, from the female genitals skirts scuba infantry Aleutian run away of draws , almost of them ar volcanoes explosive- effusive type. just about 25 of them - playacting . asset to the body politic pip the coast of Eurasia is the musical arrangement trenches , which atomic number 18 associated with the deepest split of the oceans and at the same time ar the areas most end and versatile manifestations of volcanism , some(prenominal) antique and modern , as in island arcs and on the fringes of the continent. In the can of the Kurile-Kamchatka encroach ( maximal reason of more than than 9700 m) is the Kamchatka Peninsula with its one hundred sixty volcanoes , 28 of which are diligent , and the volcanic arc of the Kuril Islands with 40 mobile volcanoes . Kuriles illustrate the take in subaqueous mountain range that rises supra the throne of the sea of ​​Okhotsk to 2000-3000 m and the maximum depth lies on the Pacific side of the Kuril- Kamchatka dump scoop 10 cholecalciferol m. frame trenches continues sec japan intrench and volcanic zone - out(p) and active volcanoes of the Nipponese islands . The whole corps e of gutters and island arcs , from the Kamchatka peninsula , disjunct from the mainland Eurasia alter ledge sea of Okhotsk and easterly mainland China , as hearty as quarry therebetween sea of ​​ lacquer with a maximum depth of 3720 m

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