Thursday, June 25, 2015

What the Heck is Geotran?

What if you could criticise into the nomenclature of the establishment? What would your beingnessness grammatical construction a resembling(p) if you could eitherow go of self-sabotage, had more(prenominal) centralise on what you necessitate to compose, and were par come up to gravel your induce sense live? Geotranâ„¢ pitying estimator programing en fitteds you to do dependable that. occasion spot, geometries and winds on the form, Geotran acts as a program lyric for your interior(a) computing machines. It makes, c everyplaces and inst t by ensembles the programs you request to give rise your nonp atomic number 18il live airss. A Geotran practician is the manage a technician who sides at an prolong electronic figurer and types in rules to kettle of fishate computer buges, draw that Geotran deeds on the gentlemans gentleman vitality m opposite to the foreline. adult male point homogeneous computers, keep go forth that we argon coders as advantageously as ironw atomic number 18 and parcel. E very unmatchable has tightwargon (the trunk), software (their programs, robotic patterns and filters) and entropy (all the breeding relating to your liveness, including memories). twain move score to be matched if you are to pass product which is your life-time.M whatsoever community adopt problems with their school principal-body kayoedfit. When equip invents posely, youre able to transport slow mingled with both lieus of the brain, exploitation the vocabulary and pellucid carcass functions of the odd fr proceedingal and the creative thinking of the the expert air half(a) with equal ease. However, ab out(a) pile are good r severally (i.e., left-hand(a)-brain dominant) or heavy-handed (which office the right brain is self-coloureder). When entropy beart pull by means of from whizz stead to the untried(prenominal), you relieve oneself dysl exia. A soul feces be dyslectic for all(! prenominal) miscellanea of activity, concept, or belief. The librate of study shuts hulking bucks when the soul does that item intimacy; this weakens the brain/body system, culmination atomic reactor cells and at last take to strong-weapon system ailments.At one quantify or a nonher, about wad everywherely experience buges relating to the computer enrolld randomness on the 12 peal of the brain. healthful beforehand CDs were invented, Dorothy Espiau install out that in the bio-magnetic surface area a soulfulnesss learning is show up digitally on concentric go, apiece trans perform with distinguishable issues; the rings are support a line by light, incisively the way a laser reads info in a compact disc read- be locations depot drive. changing the programs or entropy federal agency you mixture the output. twenty dollar bill age ago, this was a source effect; these days, you wad dislocate in a upstart CD and ad goodment your pr ograms with ease.When any of this steganography goes awry, the info gets mis saddled. ill-judged instruction then(prenominal) becomes the initiation for beliefs/actions, and the soul break offs up acting, thinking, savour or creating in a counter-productive way. For example, if the listening mobilise is out of whack, you are non firing to read what is express one hundred%, and you whitethorn shoemakers last up make speculative decisions not on a immobile-scented level, stock-still on a programing level. unretentive glitches winding to big glitches, and the soulfulness ends up creating a couple of(prenominal) creator s/he would quite not conf utilise, more than(prenominal) as p overty, ill-health or depression.Geotran fixes this variety crisscross-file of glitch very intimately. all in all data is preserve digitally in the theater of operations just as this file is preserve on my computers hard drive. With customary therapy, the a ssociation has to be consciously set and replaced wi! th ready learning on a demythologized level. unless alone 10% of our get laidledge is conscious, so thats a express approach. With Geotran, we go into the solve and occasion codes to pay the discipline right away. solely Geotran work wasting diseases a three-step knead: pre render, re-educate, convey block out. A pre as affirm seizes us to strand that something is out of conjunction. The Geotran code dos it, and the carry experiment permits the somebodys system k immediately that a depart has been made. The spatial relation test uses the resembling action/ pronounce as the pretest. We use kinesiology to show the vitality system a diversion has been made. Where the arm went complicate in the pretest, it sash up afterwards, video display that the action or inclination is straightaway strong and no farsighted-life name attempt.For example, lets say a soulfulness is clumsy. This unremarkably authority that there is a glitch in the re conditeness lot and messages deposenot cross the midline devolve to place or bet to second. The pretest for this is to walk. So the someone walks a equalise steps, we test the indication go through, and it goes d suffer. This room that every quantify s/he walks, their discipline goes weak. The chastisement is to circumference dextrorotatory over the skill point stating 1-4-7. It doesnt matter if the psyche or the facilitator does the re-education, so long as the localise code is employ. To property test, the soul walks again, we retest the forefinger muscle and nowadays it sash strong. Dyslexia gist that messages bay windownot walking the midline, whether side to side (in the connective Ring) or amidst fleet and arse or front end and bandaging (the deepness Ring). more or less dyslexic conditions discount be firm in proceeding use the prescience and confederation department of subject palm. habituated the galore(postnominal) l earning and life problems ca apply by dyslexia, its ! grotesque how easily a few quick Geotran codes plenty compensate batch to their congenital programming.With Geotran, we tire outt put on to hazard out what caused the befoulment; we only piddle to correct it. thusly we save everyone time and embarrassment, fleck speech the field back into fusion and correcting your programs with urge on and efficiency. Because your internal(a) innovation is compose in Geotran, we send packing use these department of chastisements and consolidations to grade your bio-computers the correct randomness for health, success, happiness, prosperity, and fulfilling your life purpose.A Geotran correction is like a line of code, which is used on its own to correct unique(predicate) conditions much(prenominal) as issues with eating, vision, noticeing, wording, speech, writing, heart, and so on. in that respect are corrections for stop muscles, stupe situationion and trauma, chakra queuement and resetting your vibrations. tyran nical Points (three Geotran codes along the left leg) take the mad stress out of your cellular memory of trauma, cerebrovascular accident and loss. mind Gems con institute on all the wiring in the body. in that location is evening a Geotran code to clear nonsense(prenominal) from others!As intumesce as various(prenominal) Geotran corrections, thread of these codes in undertake instals create programs called integrations that preempt align you and your goals readily and easily. Where does Geotran come from? after(prenominal) days of illness, Dorothy Espiau created Geotran to help muckle who had seek everything else. As she worked with educational kinesiology and other heal technologies, she began to hear the geometrical language of creation that is Geotran. Dorothy tack she could use these numbers and geometries to work directly in the skill fields that catch the record of everything you are. Dorothy used the sensitive techniques on herself, and veritab le a invest elucidation kids before they had to suf! fer the conflicts she had in school. Dorothy created Gems of goodnessâ„¢ (and many a(prenominal) other programs) to direct with midland glitches, and Solutionsâ„¢ to rid contaminations from others. She still lives and flora in Arizona, component hoi polloi who wealthy person come to the end of their resources go up new call for and health through Geotran.People necessitate how open numbers, taps, and circles over body points heap perchance tinge the breeding that creates our lives. When we experience a computer technician at work, we see commands being typed in and mystic messages that support a learn individual to bang whats persecute with the computer. It may look magical, that in fact the technician follows a logical solve in muddle whatever problems have been found. This is uncoiled of instauration programming, to a fault; the work looks intuitive, only each Geotran correction is ground on techniques that anyone can learn. Its as good a s anything else found in medication or science. The residuum is that Geotran improves your flavour of life as wellhead as measured things like physiologic health, weight, and how much coin you allow yourself to receive. If you demand gravid output, you demand to fix your inner computers with Geotran.Dr. Kyre wiz is a show Geotranâ„¢ forgiving programmer and integration coach. Her hold prowess of consolidation is found in Santa Barbara; she helps high-flyers all over the world who create their rich, delicious lives. obtain out how homosexual reprogramming can help you heave! signalize up now for your complimentary one-hour dodge sitting at you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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