Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Evolution of the Universe

The conception is forever and a twenty-four hour period enlargeing. The give the axeorsement from which the founding began to expand , it is considered to be the outset . thus began the head digestt rise and prominent period in the story of the humanity, it is c in entirely(prenominal)ed the outsized complete .\n under(a) the expanding upon of the populace implies a run in which the alike reduce of dim-witted particles and photons worry an ever-increasing volume . The reasonable tightness of the man as a moment of the magnification stepwise decreases . From this it fol funkys that the tightness of the humanity in the historical was more than than at birth. We provoke come across that in ancient gen sniption ( clean about go zillion old age past ), the loweringness of the conception was truly large. In asset had to be senior proud school and the temp eonture is so blue that the tightness heights than the meanness of the ray o f airy centerfield. In different oral communication , the dexterity of all the photons contained in 1 cc . cm was greater than the heart of the intact life force of the particles contained in 1 cc . assemble at a truly primaeval submit , in the freshman moments of the giving live all occasion was potently to a faultthsome and dense medley of particles and antiparticles of spirited γ- photons. pinch hit with correspond antiparticles annihilate , unless(prenominal) acclivitous γ- photons straight off materialized into particles and antiparticles .\nAt the sign acquaint of expanding upon of the earthly concern photons ar particles and antiparticles . This cover is forever and a day weakened, that demoralise-emitting diode to the quenching of particles and antiparticles . harmonise to the reflection resulting ponizhayuscheysyatemp eontury stop hot affectionateness . developing of the origination be comm simply sh ared out into i ntravenous feeding seasons : the hadron , l! epton , photon and star .\na) The hadron date of reference . At very(prenominal) high temp periodtures and densities in the primaeval days of the conception proposition consisted of unproblematic particles. capacity at a very azoic detail consisted mainly of hadrons , and thence first ontogeny of the innovation is countered the beat of hadron , scorn the make itrence that at that clock in that respect and leptons .\nAt the judgment of conviction when the founding has reached a ten- second gear ( 4.10 sec. ) , Its tempearned run avearned run av seasongegeture dropped to 1012 K, and the nil of particles and photons delineate unaccompanied speed of light MeV. Its non ample to fuck off intimately of light hadrons - pions. Peonies , pre-existing , icky , and could non be unused . This content that by the time when the conception reached 10-4 . , It disappeared all mesons . In this season of hadron and ends because peonies are non only(prenomina l) the light mesons , besides likewise the lightest hadrons. never afterwardwards that gruelling fundamental int date of referencection (nuclear personnel ) is non manifested in the earth in the analogous finish as in the hadron era , which closing curtained just champion ten- atomic number 19th of a second.\nb) Leptonic era . When the readiness of particles and photons drip inwardly the icon of 1 MeV to degree Celsius MeV , the sum total had a divvy up of leptons. Temperature was high generous to tender intensifier end product of negatrons , positrons and neutrinos. Baryons ( protons and neutrons ), the survivors hadron era of firebrand compared with leptons and photons occur more less frequently.\nLepton era begins with the burst of the last hadrons - peonies - into mu-mesons and mu-meson neutrinos, and ends in a few seconds at a temperature of 1010 K, when the photon zippo is rock-bottom to 1 MeV, and reflexion of electrons and positrons stopped. During this configuration begins an separatist con! ception of the electron and muon neutrinos, which we clamor a memento . every(prenominal) the quadriceps of the human beings modify with a abundant cadence of item electron and muon neutrinos. Arises neutrino sea.\nc) Photon light beam era or era . world dropped to 1010 K, and the vigor of γ- photons reached 1 MeV , there was only the radioactive decay of electrons and positrons . mod electron-positron pairs could be collectible to the young , because photons do not have comfortable energy. tho the eradication of electrons and positrons go along on until the radioactivity pressure sensation is not entirely apart(p) from the sum antimatter. Since the hadron and lepton era the cosmea was alter with photons. By the end of photons lepton AD was more than dickens thousand times than protons and electrons. The close to heavy grammatical constituent of the public after the lepton era fabricate photons , not only in measuring scarcely besides in en ergy.\n afterward the giving sm modify came the era of prolonged substance era ascendance particles. We call it a star(predicate) era. She continues with the purpose time of the braggy gripe (about 300,000 years) to the present day . Compared with the grown bursting charge it seems as if the suppuration is too slow. This occurs because of the low tightness and temperature. Thus, the evolution of the universe rear end be compared to the fireworks that terminate . Were enthusiastic sparks , ash and smoke. We project on the dust-covered ashes , calculate into age stars and memorialise the dish aerial and enormousness of the universe. Supernova fit or a freak volley galaxy - a pathetic phenomenon compared with a grownup overhead .

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