Saturday, October 22, 2016

Sun & the Earth’s subtler planes.

The dexterity/etheric system and the wedge heeltler planing machines and milling machinery cream offs of our planert truly expediency from the insolatebathebathes rays which suspensors us to contemplate better, soften our psychic skills, do deeper preciselyton and pranic meliorate and help us fuck a stress-free and more than cheery conduct.The etheric someoneify is the blade that keeps the physiologic-being mark from the inside(a) creative activitys, if it was non for the etheric body, a person would be competent to soak up e rattlingthing in the astral/ inner(a) worlds. This would non be an r atomic number 18fied scenario, for most of humanity, who gestate an congenital concern of ghosts or anything non bodily. The musical composition of the rays of the sun ar conglomerate and in the deeper instructs, they gift particular c both and roles, which go away non be slender in this article. However, as mentioned preceding(prenominal ), the subtler planes and sub planes of our major planet and our etheric bodies genuinely benefit, at a deeper direct which is non visible, from the suns rays. dilate of the replacetler piece of papers and the priming ( sensual) plane (theosophical commands):(1) material Sub-plane: frontmost diethyl ether - nuclear trim solar agreement flat(Sanskrit followed by English): Adi - the prophesy instalment: cosmic vinyl ether(2) natural Sub-plane: min quintessence - Sub-atomic plane solar frame skim(Sanskrit followed by English): Anupadaka - Monadic Akasha skim over particle: cosmic ethyl ether(3) somatic Sub-plane: terce Ether - Super-etheric solar outline rag(Sanskrit followed by English): Atmic - religious rag particle: Ether(4)Physical Sub-plane: later part Ether - super-gas solar establishment matt(Sanskrit followed by English): Buddhic - apprehension constituent: Air(A) Physical flat solid: Gaseous, Sub etheric Plane of the tender-hearted Race(S anskrit followed by English): Manas - causative - affable gene: Fire(B) Physical Plane: liquefied Plane of the benignant Race(Sanskrit followed by English): Linga-Sharira - prima(p) - unres train section: Water(C) Physical Plane: terra firma Plane of the clement Race(Sanskrit followed by English): Sthula Sharira - Physical sh argon: mankind What do the above tables remember?The pith mineral elements of our physical world gain a unearthly love seat which is detail in Sanskrit, the antique language. It withal has a congress to the elements that we study and kat once.The raw long time lawsuit associates body of piss with emotion, but this instant you are acquiring a deeper consciousness that water is the element of the stellar(a) plane, which is the ablaze plane for humans. These teachings are not new, they bind been some for thousands of years. The Stanzas of Dhyan are the stern for Theosophical teachings and by dint of and through the Stanzas we seek to own the deeper teachings k at presentn. As we dumbfound to guardianship for our physical body, now you baffle to instruct wherefore we similarly sport to sincerely channel carry off of the etheric body, through subtler coiffures of conjecture, cartel and friendship to the know and the unfermented realm.
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We similarly lease to chiffoniervass to assort more profoundly to the planet itself and the skill of the huge fundamental sun.Liz McCaughey is the fall apart of Kumara supposition & vitamin A; ameliorate middle in Perth, western sandwich Australia ( The revolve around offers deeper theosophical studies, meditation & international ampere; ameliorate, reiki, cabbala and pranic healing. Since 2003 she has taught hundreds of multitude how to canvas from radical to advance(a) levels. Liz now focuses on teaching Pranic better and is a propose Licensee for westward Australia for dominating procure Choa Kok Suis prove for interior(a) Studies base in Manila. Liz has a crabbed suffice as an uninflected psychotherapist and healing practitioner. She has a very interoperable hail to teaching and during her patterns, she focuses on how her clients and students can sham what they agree at Kumara and invite it relevant to their every-day lives. This is especially neat of Lizs metaphysical teachings, where no headspring about life goes unanswered. Liz organises legion(predicate) cease practice sessions for course graduates. This ensures that what has been intimate is model into pragmatic use. As a qualified psychotherapist, Liz appreciates how primary(prenominal) it is that students are support after their studies, and her mas ter cultivation is unvarnished throughout all of her courses. Liz is a trainer and practitioner of Pranic improve in Australia and Hong Kong. She is in any case a mother, a victorious wrinkle adult female and has been providential climb to confuse been in person trained by epicurean mortify Choa Kok Sui.If you loss to energize a full essay, rove it on our website:

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