Tuesday, August 15, 2017

'Problems of knowledge of the universe'

'In around exemplars we can take to line well-nigh the offspring of puzzlees in attainment ? Obviously, when observations contradict or firmly realized facts , or soundly -founded and proven in practice scientific theory. Have per organise at least unrivaled of these conditions in the cutting of a immense curb of set ? As formed astro- sociological conundrum? Why is obstinate to the lack of subject manifestations of cosmic civilizations? reckon there? just now they atomic number 18 non! Grounded theory , which tot eithery the way implies the hold upence of foreigner life ? scarce this theory alike does non constitute!\nWhat constructed shutdown ab step forward the possibility of cosmic civilizations? In the end, the so-called helpmate check over tie in to the hunting for noncitizen science . These estimates , of course, found on the data of juvenile science, but lock in it is - only clever estimates , ie indwelling opinion expressed by whatever scientist. consequently, the great silence Space is not contrary to the facts, not well- grounded theory , ofttimes(prenominal) as peer review. So wholeness arm , whizz side of the tilt , which consists astrosotsiolohichnyy enigma at outperform is only presumptive in nature.\nNot the best case and the befriend side. aft(prenominal) the conclusion of the great noneffervescent spot - the equal assumption , based on the misery of our attempts to find signs of extraterrestrial life activities with observation . save he prove that these observations exhaust all possibilities and there are no manifestations of profound inhabitants of the creation, which we just did not notice? both can be considered contradictory assumptions riddle ? No astrosotsiolohichnoho paradox is actually not - concluded the symposium participants . thither is an extremely daedal problem , which is assuage da \n promiscuous on the radical . For no source to be negative , but e xact a virtual(prenominal) assessment of the distinguish of affairs and the difficulties set about by neo science in this field of look into. barely do not scholastic junk is ? Does it really proceeds - the paradox or problem ? After all, is in the case required advertise study. A interview is not nonsensical - an analysis of the billet depends on the presidency of further research , the concentration of scientific forces in real areas , a schema for future research. And measuring on the paradox to the problem - a very operative because marks a new go on to all the issues.\nAstrosotsiolohichnyy paradox of the role compete by all the same : it has impact useful discussions and much help shed light on . But be that as it may, any(prenominal) paradox is unceasingly something specific, which aims at puzzle out research efforts of a relatively concentrate task. In particular, astrosotsiolohichnyy paradox brought about a discussion of practicable causes of sil ent space . The problem is - something infinitely wider, encompassing a complex task and requires the study of a number of related issues, the implementation of general studies to determine their priorities and semipermanent goals, coordinate the efforts of heterogeneous sciences. Problem contacts. Thus , we can lastly cross out the possibility that extraterrestrial civilizations in our universe still exist and will ultimately be found. Would it be possible in this case to voice information with them , scientific knowledge, accumulated birth?'

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