Friday, November 29, 2013

Immature Idealist

Immature Idealist Holden Caulfields perception of an ideal society is base on strong righteous honors, every(prenominal) the same his receive immaturity is his chief(a) obstacle. He wishes to change the entire society almost him til now can non logically articulate what he so dis equals. He complains roughly taxicabs and elevators, provided hence he invoke push through change the subject and talk about something so intelligent as protecting the innocence of children. This is a value Holden takes truly seriously. He is afraid that society is on a ferine cycle trying to load Americas youth. Holden fells like his ideals be unattainable goals because it seems he has a problem with all empowerment figures, til now if it is only a hidden hostility. Holden has ofttimes more complaisance for children than handsomes because their actions be genuine and they arent attempting to prove anything. Such as the 6 grade old little boy busyness the catcher in the rye song. But he despises Ernies diffused playing, and Actors who compromise their talents to please an audience. Holdens strong resistance to the adult military personnel is furnish by other negative encounters he has with power as well. Beginning with the teachers and administrations of the many prep schools Holden attends. Schools represent a hoax cruel world designed by violate adults that go them. Holden points out flaws in others, but his own problems dont soma him at all. He is irresponsible and doesnt apply himself because he thinks by not applying himself this forget delaying the matu multitude process. He is always pointing out how stupid his roommates are, however he is the one expelled for poor academics. Holden hates the exclusivity and outr climb on against those who arent popular or attractive. Holden struggles hard against the social category he was born into. Holdens moral standpoint on the issue of childishness innocence compared to adult corruption is one he puts a lot of trustin! gness in.. The protection of childhood innocence is his primeval virtue throughout the novel. This is seen in his imagine of being a catcher in the rye and his admiration for purity which is depict through throng that he admires the most. All representing innocence are Jane, Phoebe, Allie, and the 6 year old singing. At the end of the curb however Holden has an epiphany and realizes children moldiness be exposed to the adult world. They moldiness be allowed to incur their own decisions even if there are risks. Grabbing for the gold ring. He cant save all the children from travel Immature: wont call on up because he fears the corrupt adult society, confused by his immature behavior and much older appearance.
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Stubborn: complains about little things like cabs, phonies, elevators down in the mouth: he is alone at a young age happens he cant relate to anyone untamed: rejects society, upset with the desensitizing of the youth and all the facades people feel they need to hide substructure because they cant be themselves Anxious: animated with people indecisive, failure to embody through with ideas Perceptive: is precise aware of what goes on approximately him phonies, ducks Resentful: wish he wasnt born into this social class prejudice of people in is own situation. His family and culture yield him to excel at a prestigious school and then move on to a prestigious Ivy federation college. Polite: he tries to conquer along with people even if it involves dishonesty, sexually curious but has strong moral set He resists growing up but is attracted to the advantages of matureness like independence, cigarettes, alcohol, and sexual relation ships. But he fells growing up will compromise his va! lues of innocence, integrity, and authenticity. He is half way to adulthood but feels if he rest at this plateau he cannot be destroyed. He wants while to freeze for him so he can enjoy spiritednesss good-looking moments. He can not avoid reality however and he must retard to accept this change Epiphany is when he sees Phoebe as a maturing individual who must be allowed to live her own life and make her own decisions. digest Holden realizes it or not by letting go of his dream and realizing he cant protect all children from becoming adults If you want to get a full essay, narrate it on our website:

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