Saturday, November 23, 2013

Lab X Report

Lab X Report IGoals of the prove The main oddment of this prove was to first and foremost to bunco the familiar trends in zero differences between groups in the equatorial role and axial. We in like manner knowledgeable the difference in energy between diametric groups connect to a cyclohexane. Lastly another goal of this experiment was to learn how to office HyperChem, which allowed us a 3D arithmetic mean of molecules. This helped in visualizing the actual structure of chair conformers of cyclohexane instead of unless a normal drawing of the chair conformer, which can be rough to imagine without the 3D apprehending of the molecule. IIApproach The first mixer occasion we accomplished in Lab X was to chassis a cyclohexane chair conformer on HyperChem. This helped us become familiar with the HyperChem program. We started by labeling all the axial hydrogen atoms and the equatorial atoms on the cyclohexane. We also played around with the different features on H yperChem such(prenominal) as how to find the optimal geometry of the cyclohexane as well as how to use the overlapping sphere feature to better understand and examine the cyclohexane molecule.
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Our next step was to start adding different groups on the cyclohexane molecule and comparing the energy differences between different molecules and those molecules in the axial and equatorial surveys. The first group we added to the cyclohexane was a m ethyl group group. In my cyclohexane with a methyl wedded in the axial patch, I found the energy to be 8.670887 objet dart the energy was 6.892032 while the methyl was in the equatorial position. The next group added was the ethyl group attached to the cyclohexane. While in the equatorial! position the energy was found to be 9.38167. In the axial position it was 10.385222. T-butyl was the next group added. While in the equatorial position it was 13.314997 and the axial was 18.8216. Phenyl, the next group, followed the same general trends. In the equatorial position the energy was 6.775617 and the...If you want to touch on a in force(p) essay, order it on our website:

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