Tuesday, December 3, 2013

American Art History

Answers to Questions1 . In Woodville`s Old `76 and Young `48 the dates refer to (Points : 21 . two wars : the Revolutionary contend and the war Against Mexico2 . two wars : the War Against Mexico and the genocide of Native Ameri corporation Indians3 . it`s just the dates of the two soldiers a grandson and grandfather4 . The Battle of the Little bighorn and the death of General George Custer5 . of these it`s a mystery2 . In Woodville`s War News from Mexico what does the place workforcet of wo manpower and African-Americans indicate ( waken , symbolize ) nigh American society in the 1840s (Points : 2The female figure is position in the background and in the shadows . The African-Americans ar placed in the lower right hand respite of the delineation . These placework forcets suggest that they are insignificant and subordinat e to the men and their opinions . Although the woman appears to be responding to the news , the men have their backs to her and can not turn over her expression , if she is speaking (her gumshield is open ) then the men are dismissing her opinion as unimportant . The African-Americans are peaceful . Although they are in the equivalent path of light that unites them with the men and although they are positioned in forepart of the men they are similarly being ignored . At that time in muniment , women and African-Americans were still considered inferior beings to White men3 . The experimental condition `Uncle Tom` comes from (Points : 21 . a historical figure who lived in Washington DC in the 1860`s he was a black abolitionist2 . a literary figure commonized in Harriet Beecher Stowe`s book he was `friends` with inadequate Eva and got along with everyone - no affaire how badly or unjustly he was treated3 . a hoyden slave helped to liberty on the underground railroad b y Harriet Tubman4 . A historical figure who ! was `friends` with little Eva she deliver his bearing (similar to the way Pocahontas saved Capt .
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John Smith ) by beg for his salvation from a despotic slave owner5 . of the above the bourne was invented in the 1960`s during the Civil Rights movement to descirbe white hoi polloi who protested against career discrimination4 . How would the Northerner`s interpretation of Johnson`s Negro Life in the siemens differ from the Southerner`s (Points : 2A Southerner of that time would see the painting as depicting a happy family of black slaves reposeful and enjoying themselves as they play music and chat amongst themselves . The painting cleverness yet reinforce the stereotype of slaves being lazy and artless people , happy to live in poor conditions and bored in improving themselves . A Northerner would see the broken windows and sum buildings and lease that the people were miserable in their poverty5 . Winslow Homer had little semiformal training as an artist and worked as an illustrator for a popular weekly magazine (Points : 21 . True2 . False6 . St . Gauden`s autobiography to Robert Gould Shaw and the 54th command is (Points : 21 . a marble relief2...If you want to transmit a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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