Thursday, December 12, 2013

The "stolen generation" issue in australia.

In Australia, from 1883 (when the Aborigines Protection get on was established) and, unbelievably, right up to 1969 (when the Aborigines Welfare Board was abolished) an estimated 1 in 10 of solely primeval children were forcibly take from their families in an effort to civilize them by assimilation into European society and culture. As most Australians nowadays know, successive political sympathies governing assumed legal concern of all Indigenous children and removed approximately 100,000 part- uncreated children from their parents and placed them with edify Australian families, or in institutional care. Often they were abused, or used as house servant servants, or besides when placed in homes against their will. This policy has now been expound as cultural genocide, even though at the snip it was presented by secernate and church authorities as existence in the best interests of these half-caste children. Government administrators thought that by bringing mixed-blo od Aborigines into the white mankind, the colour could be bred surface of them over a hardly a(prenominal) generations. Meanwhile the beneficialy black population, regarded as irredeemably primitive, was expected to simply die out by a process of raw(a) selection or survival of the fittest. From 1915 to 1939 whatsoever station manager or policeman could take pristine children from their parents if they believed it was in their moral or spiritual welfare. As described by historian, Parbury; In the space marked Reason for Board taking control of the child, slightly managers simply wrote for being Aboriginal After 1939 only a magistrate could graze the removal of Aboriginal children, but they could now be taken away for such(prenominal) ambiguous terms as uncontrollable or neglected, which could virtually toy with anything. In desperation, mothers would attempt to smear their children with black clay, or handgrip them over a fire to try to change their skin, or hide th em in hollow logs, to...
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