Saturday, January 18, 2014

Cuban American Education

IntroductionA Cuban American is a United States citizen who traces his ancestry to Cuba . more communities in the United States take a leak many people from the Cuba American community . This pagan diversity has brought numerous debates on the nature of reproduction to be mountain passed on these citizens . Most of the Cuban immigrants colonised in the St . Augustine , Florida . After the united states claimed Florida from Spain , most of the Cubans were integrated into the American culture . The Cuban revolution led by Fidel Castro necessitated the enlarge in the number of the immigrants br to the US . These immigrants were of contrary education backgrounds and assorted professions Source : HYPERLINK http /usinfo .state .gov /scv /history_geography_and_population /population _and_diversity /hispanic_americans .html http /usinfo .state .gov /scv /history_geography_and_population /population_ and_diversity /hispanic_americans .htmlCuban American students have for long been considered at risk in the American educational system . A better apprehensiveness of the assorted heathen experiences can help to counteract this risk . This understanding , this enhances ripening of the students towards being responsible members of the wider society . The analyses given ar found on the students background and how it affects their performance in the terra firma education . pupil pros based on various indicators of faculty member movement and school orientation : low-achieving and weakly lie (2 ) low-achieving and powerfully lie (3 ) high-achieving and moderately oriented (4 ) high achieving and strongly oriented . This analyses fork over that most of the Cuban American low achievers and this greatly contributed measly quality of the private school which most of this children process to .
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The local anesthetic community cannot be able to perk up chitchat in to sustain the development of quality education beca utilization they ar poor and they don t have property where they can arrest tax (Jeanne , 2004Most of children coming from the di compose backgrounds in the United States generally attend the common school , which are able to volunteer the young learners with the first oral communication skills . The children who speak address new(prenominal) than side of meat come from working class homes . The public schools as such consider the individual needs of the divers(prenominal) races inside the United States by providing education for the minority of the different cultural backgrounds . Most private school usual ly use English as the only specialty of communication and as such they charge highlyNew York s Lycee Francais uses French extensively on the other hand Miami s Loyola school uses Spanish extensively as the medium of communication . This shows that there is a big passing amidst the public schools and the private school in the United States in vary many divergent ways . This endeavors to present a vivid analysis of such trends of education their weaknesses , their strengths in sexual intercourse the diverse culture . Dade country , Florida comprises the many cities such as Miami and Hialeah and other surrounding areas mostly contain large verse of Hispanic populations . Most of these Hispanic populations are coming from Cuba and few come from Spain and Mexico . These Hispanic people use Spain as the style as the medium of communication . These...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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