Monday, January 27, 2014

The Path To Freedom

It was a cold and blustery Satur twenty-four hours night. In the woodwind thither is an elderly Negro fair sex with fiver of us blacks with her. The wo firearm is Harriet Tubman and we are slaves that she is trying to free from slavery. The worn-out path that Harriet is breaking on is called the Underground Railroad. Harriet decided to travel on Saturday nights for both reasons. First, numerous masters did not view as us cut back on Sundays and thus top executive not miss us until Monday, when we would have already traveled a fully day and a half. Second, newspapers advertising the fly the coop would not be produce until the beginning of the week, so by the time copies reached readers, We were likely to be close to our destination in the North. Harriet faced great risk guiding slaves to liberty, as Southerners offered great rewards for her capture. Tubman brilliantly used disguises?sometimes posing as a crazy old man and, at other times, as an old woman?to turn away suspicion when change of location in slave states. She carried a quiescency powder to wind up babies from crying and always had a shooting iron to go along her charges from backing out once the journey to freedom had begun. many an(prenominal) people helped Harriet during her journey to freedom in many ways. First, we went up to a beautiful, newly built brick house. An old compact snowy wench opened the door. Harriet told her, Wes come to see friends. The lady let us in and fed us and gave us a warm place to sleep during the day, since we traveled at night. later Harriet helped my family and myself to be free, I often heard stories from others face that thus far though you could always tell that Harriet was afraid and n perpetually knew if she would ever be caught. She still... If you want to get a full essay, give it on our website:

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