Saturday, February 20, 2016

Abstract : The absolute value of a number disnoho (lecture ). Topic: Mathematics, logic

\n\nSubject: The overbearing value disnoho chysla.Vlastyvosti compulsory set ​​.\nVariables i velychyny.Funktsiya.Parnist steel , neparnist , periodychnict mono-\ntonnict.Skladna funktsiya.Klasyfikatsiya funktsiy.Peretvorennya hrafikiv .\n interrogation .\n1.Diysni chysla.Absolyutna magnitude (modulus ) thence chysla.Vlastyvosti\nabsolute set ​​.\nI 2.Stali variables velychyny.Intervaly ? - Okrestnist .\n3.Oznachennya survive ? , area definition , the set of values ​​of the economic consumption ? . Methods\n chore habit ? . mixed function.\n4.Parnist , neparnist function ? . ripening up i waning function ? . Bounded functions ? .\nPeryodychni function ? .\n5.Klasyfikatsiya functions.\n6.Peretvorennya hryfykiv .\nOZNAChENNYa.Absolyutnoyu value ( or module ) real-valued material body x ( denoted by | x |) is a real superstar called nonnegative total satisfying the conditions

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