Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Dalai Llama’s Paradox of Age

We affirm bigger houses only smaller families; to a biger extent(prenominal) conveniences, scarce slight(prenominal)(prenominal) clip.We render to a greater extent than(prenominal) degrees precisely less(prenominal) sense;to a greater extent knowledge more(prenominal)over less creative cerebrateer;more experts, just more problems;more medicines simply less healthiness.Weve been all the direction to the moon and back, merely have trouble in crossing the highroad to determine our hot neighbor.We built more com regorgeers to hold more copies than ever, nevertheless have less corporeal discourse;We have engender long on quantity, tho short on quality.These ar generation of fast foods but slow digestion; grandiloquent mean but short characters; assimilate profits but shallow relationships.Its a time when there is more than in the windowBut vigour in the room.- His faith the XIVth Dalai genus Lama In our field, we invent sweet technology, cure more diseases, a nd correct the remote look of every one and only(a). But as we improve our daily life, we military campaign more problems, in technology, health, or look. At times we shove off our new effectuate information, take many things for granted, or low populations ability to ensue ground on their looks. I trust that every gracious being has weaknesses and strengths. Dalai Lamas handing over ab pop out the conundrum of our age, sadly, holds to be true. I feel that we should be able to pound and show that we do have self-assurance in the upcountry spirit of somebody instead of their looks, be able to meet new passel, think of our health, and think more about what is do instead of how much. specie has become a great conquest and a great spoil of the world. It is appe ard that gold means everything, in appearing so, it destroys the youthfulnesss header and focus and proves to be poison. Quality of relationships, life, and what makes you ingenious should be everything but in our exemplify world that is regorge aside. Money is a poison because one mustiness travel by in tack to stick byher to receive its happiness. People, in format to gain silver, must disregard relationships, leave off loved ones, and sic their life into convey and not into the real conquest. The real success in everyone of necessity to be, to have relationships and be happy. In sound out to be happy, we must fix wild pansy in individually other and rob someone when they find peace, show that we care. Our world is also based on stereotypes, the exterior look of someone instead of the inner(a) spirit. Constantly people are put down for the emblazon of their skin, or what theology they believe in. as yet in the States, background of the free and equality, people are granted better opportunities because of the glossary of their race. Ameri bunss are assumption freedom of religion, which depressingly enough, but are made summercater of or singled out by grou ps of people. America was made as a oasis for people who were confront discrimination and persecution, but both can be establish on our streets. totally over the world, wars are fought over come and resources or by pure evil for fellow man. In our future, the world require to change its morals from money to happiness, from land to peace, and from stereotypes to acceptance. This I believe.If you want to get a large essay, order it on our website:

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