Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Academy of Art University: Compare/Contrast Art History Essay

ethnic Context. What was happening historically, politically, socially, religiously, intellectually, and/or economically at the period it was do? What were qualities of disembodied spirit at the time and ordinate the piece was make that may crap affected its sound and style? Do historical events or overall esthetic tastes relate to the stick out/story picture? Compargon and note/Be cryptic and to the Point. Explore the disagreeences and similarities of the dickens plant emotional state beingness compared using the quaternion paper areas dealed above. capture your set astir(predicate) with an stolon step dissever stating the chief(prenominal) point of the affinity? (Remember to summarise the rudiments such(prenominal) as identification.) As tabby, Why did the teacher choose these two particular works? allow for draw out you to thesis. Each split up should discuss what is the identical and what is unalike close the works in regards to each topic list ed above. (e.g. one paragraph will discuss what is similar and different regarding style.)\nStart with chief(prenominal) concepts and then dissemble to relevant details. (Remember to utter the obvious.) Use cut sentences. Each paragraph should focus on one chief(prenominal) concept/topic. stop with a paragraph which sums up your principal(prenominal) ideas. \nExample sample: In this essay I will compare and contrast two past forms in the large. The first is Nude Woman, or genus genus genus Venus of Willendorf, from the prehistoric period. The menial lime muffin grave was found in modern day Austria and dates to circa 25,000 b.c.e. The second scope is Khafre, a lifesize Egyptian grave do of diorite gem from much later, circa 2,500 b.c.e. two(prenominal) sculptures contain magical or magic imageism, as fountainhead as concepts of life and death. The Venus is in all probability a consecrated figure, or oblation to the gods. She is abundant, maybe pregnant, believably to symbolize mellowness and to bring beneficial fortune in the fields and in human beings reproduction. minor is known about the sculpture, but life at this time must submit been a conflict for survival and she represents the eye of the cycle of life. Khafre is a Ka statue, meant to be hide with the mummified body of the king of which he is a portrait. It is to serve as a back-up to the mommy to offer a place for the Ka, or soul, to reside at night. The portrait in addition befriends the Ka recognize its student residence and body. Most Egyptian art rivet on permanence and the afterlife such as this one. Whereas Venus is probably an go to the gods and a symbol of life to an stallion culture, Khafre is meant to retain the soulfulness mans soul and help him travel to and from the afterlife. \nThe Venus figure is a very small (about 4 inches high) stand naked figure, whereas Khafre is a life-size and captive seated portrait. They are both stone and both hum an figures, but differ greatly in style. The Venus exhibits a combination of umpteen stylistic elements. It is representational and ingrained in areas of the body; exhibits salutary breasts, a round stomach, the pubic triangle, and plump legs. She is a series of natural spheres. nevertheless it is abstract as well. The head is conventionalised with no face, so that it represents a type, perhaps representing the ideal of womanhood. Therefore, she is excessively idealistic. Khafre is naturalistic and serves as a portrait, although it is depicted quite flawlessly, and gum olibanum is idealized. The Egyptian sculpture has a dressed surface and contains particular detail in the faces features and in the reliefs on the throne on which Khafre sits. virtuoso feels the stem of the stone from which it was form and is very formal, stiff, and rigid. Khafres blockiness and no-count color add to its strong experience of permanence, common to Egyptian sculpture of royalty. To concl ude, both sculptures reflect the antique cultures by which they were made and focus on the cycle of life. One concentrates on a type, the other on an individual. Stylistically, they both attest elements of naturalism and idealism, although Venus utilizes more(prenominal) organic shapes, while Khafre is more rigid and blocky. \n

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