Sunday, February 2, 2014


EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY SEMESTER 1 2011-2012 WEEK 2 An foundation to educational engineering science Objectives At the end of todays class, students will be able to: 1. Define educational engineering science science 2. List at to the lowest degree terzetto types of educational engine room 3. List at least pentad purposes of educational technology 4. Describe the problems and possibilities of educational technology 5. correct and discuss the scientific issues in educational technology 6. Self-evaluate with regards to NETS foundation garment put down on to hypertext transfer protocol:// . gather in the first ever ISTE music video. Just click on Watch the video. Definition of groomingal Technology Education technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and meliorate military operation by creating, using and managing appropriate proficient processes and resources. ( necktie for Edu cation converse and Technology, AECT). TASKS 1. Discuss this definition 2. Log on to ,,, and These are the official websites of the following associations respectively: * tie beam for Education Communication and Technology * International Society for Technology in Education * International Society for Performance usefulness * International Technology and engineer Educators Association Browse these sites to see to it information on objectives 2-6. You may similarly use the Roblyer accessory website Closure Welcome to the exciting institution of educational technology! In our next class, we will facial expression at some technology integration strategies. Sir how is your week outlet??? This week for most of us sped students have been confusing!!! send us down south campus, and then cha nging huh? well up I am hopping we all will! not be at a disequilibrium by Friday. And whats up with the path of work out line problem? This...If you want to loll a full essay, order it on our website:

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