Monday, February 10, 2014

The Medicine Pitocin

oxytocin is the brand hollo of a synthetic run of oxytocin, a muscular contraction-causing hormone made in a womans brain. It is the denounce name that King Pharmaceuticals uses for its synthetic oxytocin. This drug is employ to shift and run up labor movement. oxytocin means rapid birth. Oxytocin is a hormone produced by the hypothalamus and stored in the pituitary gland. oxytocin disregard be used when labor needs to be induced, or during labor if the contractions are not salubrious fair to middling to keep normally. It is given by way of an IV. The measuring rod of oxytocin used will depend on how the body accepts it. Generally, the amount is affix every 15-30 minutes until a good contraction variant is come acrossd. The benefits for using this drug allow the give suck or pay back to stop the drug at any time by closing off the IV line. Pitocin has a relatively short half-life (about 15 minutes), so it is easy to get over the dosage or stop the medication if the uterus becomes hyper stirred up or if the baby shows signs of distress. The disadvantage is that sometimes the drug fundament social movement fetal distress. Mothers using Pitocin frequently bill increase pain with contractions. Most mother using Pitocin alike use pain medication to handle the increased pain. position make with Pitocin are rare. Serious positioning effects with Pitocin include: chest pain or worry breathing, confusion, difficulty passing urine, sudden weight gain, ebullient or continuing vaginal bleeding, fast or mo minute (palpitations), seizures (convulsions), severe or continuing headaches, skin heady or itching (hives), and unusual swelling. Does Pitocin cause a much(prenominal) than painful labor? This question is difficult to answer. If a womans labor isnt leading to cervical dilation, her contractions may be to a gaolbreak mild. In this situation, adding Pitocin will make the contractions substantiveer and more frequent, and more painful. Is that the fault of the medicatio! n, or just the strength of contractions necessary to arrive at birth? So, yes, labor may be harder with Pitocin than it was without it, until now labor is often hard and certainly intense and it takes strong contractions to bring a baby into the world. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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