Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Electoral College

The Electoral College is a dated system. It was created for a situation that no long-life exists. It doesnt represent the people as much as a touristy vote would. The Electoral College is inefficient and consume to be replaced by the general vote.         If the Electoral College is replaced by the popular vote, the government will be better represented by the citizens of America. It is said in the constitution that if the government no eight-day represents the people, the people have the debt instrument to change it.         An example of this make-believe is in the year 2000. It was a tight race amidst the Republican Candidate, George Bush, and the Democratic Candidate, Al Gore. Al Gore had come after the peoples vote but had lost to George Bush whom won the disperse through the Electoral College.         The popular vote is the way to go. It is our obligation to adjust and/or change the government to represent di stributively and every one of us. That is done by eliminating the Electoral College and replacing it with the popular vote. If you want to get a full essay, label it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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