Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Premier Fitness Inc.

Background: atomic number 61 fitness Inc. is a fitness confederacy located in Ontario; however, it has been cited for unethical manoeuver for improper care lend oneselfs including the processing of credit cards and form bank invoice pay offments of individuals who had previously potfulcelled their ranks. In the Competition Tribunal case, premiere fittingness was found to lease failed to disclose additional fees that customers had to pay to acquire memberships. This lack of manifestation contravened the requirement, under the Competition Act, not to charge prices higher than those advertised. necropsy Fitness was severaliseed to aim corrective notices and pay a fine. Concepts: (Total) Profit Approach This set about is defined as toilsome to maximize the profit of the Company. small-arm this impersonal is important, it moldiness be considered in concert with the objective of providing a socially useful form (Perreault et al, 2007, p. 89. A back impor tant function is that the Company must consider their doings as be ethical or not when difficult to maximize profits. The actions of necropsy Fitness were likely motivated by an objective of maximising its profit. The Company used move prices to inveigle customers and then aerated them a higher cost than advertised. Premier Fitness redden continued charging customers accounts long after the membership was bunscelled: a violation of privacy. By violating the customers privacy, Premier Fitness was engaging in unethical behavior while trying to maximize profit. The Company would have seen short gains but this practice lead to long-run brand rejection by customers. Considering the focus on healthy lifestyles and the number of fitness clubs overspread a long-term approach would have been quite prospering - had the Company elect that strategy. The court order to Premier Fitness Inc. has proven that companies cant weigh ethics lower than maximizing profits. Consumerism - C onsumerism can be defined as a social figur! ehead that seeks to increase the...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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