Friday, February 7, 2014


MEDICARE Denise Johnson Bryant & Stratton College AHLT 235 : Healthc be Insurance Reimbursement Mrs. Lisa Cato 06/12/2012 Introduction Recently, Medic ar reimbursements study been examined to determine if cost savings can be do by number oneering these rates in an effort to hold back down control health care spending. Although almost either wholeness go away agree that healthcare spending needs to be examined, a variety of state exit recommend various ways to accomplish this task. no count of where you stand on healthcare and healthcare spending, recommending cuts to these two architectural plans leave hire a substantial effect on umpteen people across the nation and will be in the main met with heavy resistance. In order to understand the effects of devising cuts to these programs, I feel a brief fundament on the history and creation of Medicare must be desex asided. When recommending changes to these public programs, mavin must understand why these programs were created and who they were intend to serve. Changes to public programs of this temperament need to be made with this prefatorial understanding in order to ensure that societys best interests are being served. History of Medicare and Medicaid Simply speaking, Medicare is one government programs that attempt the health of the elderly and the poor. These programs went into effect in 1965 at a time when a need was place to provide healthcare for those individuals who did not qualify for healthcare benefits or could not hand it. The Medicare program consists for four related payoff plans (A-D) and look provide health insurance for people who are of age 65 and older, disabled, or are suffering from pre-identified diseases. The Medicaid program provides health insurance for individuals who are under age 65 and have been classified ad as having a low income, or those people who have exhausted their Medicare benefits. . Medicare Policy The plight t hat sociality face today on issues regarding! health care straighten out Act is similar to...If you want to get a fully essay, order it on our website:

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