Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The first five presidents of the united states.

Jamie Milliser January 30, 2002 The archetypal pentad death chairs of the unite states The first five chairmans of the united states Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe realised the tradition, domestic, and foreign policy. At the end of the struggle for freedom America needed a new political sympathies. These five presidents interpret that govern workforcet it wasnt prefect it wasnt traffic patterned over darkness but it has with stood the hands of time. Our government has endured and has came a long vogue from those first thirteen colonies we come and are making changes beca administer our forefathers make it that way these five men created that momentum. They knew that for our nation to with stomach it had to be created on the bases of tradition and held by the freedom that was fought for and won. Our acres has many traditions and they all start with our first president. George Washington, a war hero that started our fist tradition, of th e presidency. He introduced consideration limits, so no one person has power for to long. He introduced fair advantageously speeches and elections. John Adams the former vice president under George Washington, helped established our tradition of diplomacy, which is still in use to today. Thomas Jefferson made the supreme court what it is today. The constitution leave the job of the discriminative branch vague; Thomas Jefferson fill in the cracks with the legal review. He also resolved the interrogative of what to call the president by asking to be communicate as Mr. President. crowd Madison established one of our to the highest degree important documents, the Constitution. He also attended the great agree meetings, which established our two-chambered legislature. James Monroe created a policy that allowed the coupled States government to form while keeping the European governments step forward of the process. However, for... ! i thought it was a bit unordered and there were a few spelling and grammer mistakes, it could have been better If you want to beget a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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