Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sports Media's Influence on Black Youth in America

Sports television has an adverse influence on corrosive manly youth, particularly those who come from low income households. The media glorifies professional athletes and gives these earlyishsters a project sense of upwardlys mobility and success through sports while minimalizing scholarly performance and hard work. According to Jeffery Bierman in his award piquant paper The Effect of Television Sports Media on Black antheral Youth the media presents unrealistic aspirations of job opportunities for impressionable swart youths and creates a false sense of potential c atomic number 18r success (1) which motivates and encour long times these young males to focus on athletics and not academics. Some of the reasons and then sports television has a huge impact on black male youth are because blacks living in disoblige head for the hills to watch more television than their white counterparts and they also watch more shows or events that showcase black people. Bl acks are more likely to watch sports because there is a varied representation of them and they are shown in a positive, glamorous and basal image. The professional athlete serves as a symbol of upward mobility and financial security, something these young males desire to have. The problems lies in the way of how the media depicts sports as an avenue for a professional career when in event it is a long shot that one will incessantly achieve greatness on a professional level. Blacks who expect in poverty are accustomed to watching a great deal of television and Bierman and others believe that blacks who are minor educated begin to blur realism from fantasy and may not be savvy enough to make the station between the two. Those from a higher socioeconomic status prevail to seek out reality in their teen age while those from lower socioeconomic status tend to check fixated on their fantasies. Theres evidence that blacks living in poverty drop out of school more than t heir counterparts, thence they spend more t! ime watching television and intake about unrealistic...If you want to get a full essay, charge it on our website:

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