Saturday, February 8, 2014

New England And Chesapeake Regions

New England and Chesapeake Colonies: Compare the Differences The New England and Chesapeake colonies were very diverse in several ways. They both settled as successful societies, just there were still differences. Although the New England and the Chesapeake regions were both settled mostly by the people of English origin, by 1700, the regions had evolved into two straightforward societies because of the differences in the reasons they had for settlement, economic reasons, and geography. A contri only ifing factor to the differences in these two societies would have to do with their reasoning for settlement. The New England colonies had acquire to settle permanently with families, not just for crop. They believed that they should guide unitedly as one to make a successful society, which involve entertaining each other in brotherly partiality [be] willing to abridge [as an individual] of superfluities, for the supply of others necessities (Doc. A). they believed unity was a primary factor to making a colony productive, and cooperative. Not wholly were the New England settlers to love one another, as a brother, save also rejoice together, mourn together, labor and suffer together, endlessly having before [their] eyes [their] commission and community in the work (Doc. A). The New England colonies were tied together, and close knit like a family- which was the objective. John porter, a deputy clerk to Edward Thoroughgood suggests that the list of emigrants devise for the New England region consisted chiefly of family (Doc. B). There were 3 families in the list consisting of not only husbands and wives, but also servants, children, kinswomen and so on. This is proof the New England colonies were there to stay. Now, contradicting the New England colonies- the Chesapeake colonies came to Virginia and Maryland for chiefly work purposes. They expected gold, as the Ship List rebound for Virginia suggests, the names listed were mostly males- v ery young ones with two or three exceptions-! and only...If you want to get a full essay, formatting it on our website:

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